Language Disorders


The link between Literacy and Language: Literacy and Speech Sound Disorders (Phonemic Awareness)

What is Phonemic Awareness?

  • Phonemic Awareness is the understanding of words and how you use them. Phonological Awareness is the building block and foundation for pre-literacy skills.

  • When Phonological Processes are present, we can work on strengthening the link between Phonemic Awareness and literacy skills used for laying the foundation of reading.

Language Disorders

What is a Language Disorder?

  • A Language Disorder consists of Receptive (how you understand language from a conversational partner) and Expressive (how you communicate language with a conversational partner) Language Disorders

How do you treat a Language Disorder?

  • Language disorder services offered consist of incorporating curriculum based strategies, through written expression (writing skills), language comprehension skills (answering questions, summarizing, recalling important details), and vocabulary acquisition.